Zeuner 10 year anniversary – A decade of sustainable energy solutions

Zeuner marks 10th anniversary – A decade of sustainable energy solutions

We’ve been on quite a journey at Zeuner and in April we celebrate our 10th birthday. Our business was set up to support the transition to sustainable energy, helping clients use our ground source heat systems to drive efficiencies and reduce their carbon footprint. Since then, we have delivered hundreds of projects and used geothermal heating and cooling technologies to improve building performance and help secure a more sustainable future.

Zeuner started out with a maintenance first approach, supporting organisations in maximising their heat pump systems. Today we help maintain buildings right across the country and apply our expertise to ensure clients reduce energy consumption, keep control of their energy bills and play their part in the drive for decarbonisation. 

Over time we developed our offer and began partnering with best-in-class manufacturers to deliver projects offering the most efficient and innovative technology. We earned a reputation for tailoring our solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our geothermal heating and cooling, or ground source systems, allowed organisations to tap into the captured energy stored below the Earth’s surface, to provide comfort conditioning for their buildings.

Supporting the shift to sustainable energy

Heat pump systems have a key role to play in transitioning to lower carbon energy. To meet our Net Zero targets, we need to minimise our environmental impact by embracing more sustainable alternatives. As the electricity grid continues to decarbonise whilst being fed by more renewable energy, these systems are becoming ever more effective at reducing emissions. 

Zeuner’s highly efficient heat pump systems use a minimum amount of electricity to capture and move a large amount of freely available energy. Our water-to-water heat pumps are packaged heating/cooling units, that can meet any building load requirement and depending on the project, are capable of providing heating or cooling across the range of -1oC to 65oC. 

Cooling demand is increasing as buildings become more digitally driven and the average ambient temperature continues to slowly rise. Having one efficient system that can meet both heating and cooling requirements has become the most efficient and cost-effective way for both public and private organisations to reduce capital spend, ongoing maintenance costs and assist in fulfilling their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) obligations. 

Sustainable growth

Zeuner’s bespoke solutions help clients make more sustainable choices at the same time as improving efficiencies to secure a competitive edge. That is a compelling proposition, and it is little wonder that over the last ten years our business has been on an impressive growth trajectory. 

We started out as a very small business with big ambitions. Zeuner began by maintaining a small number of commercial buildings. Today Zeuner manages an extensive and diverse portfolio. Ranging from police headquarters and custodial centres to schools and universities, shopping centres, grade 1 listed buildings and heritage sites to name but a few. We have steadily increased our core team as well as our network of expert sub-contractors to support our growth. This gives us the capacity to work on hundreds of new projects across the UK. 

Be it installing a more sustainable hot water system in the Royal Opera House, simultaneous heating and cooling heat pumps for Police Custodial Centres, or full decarbonisation of heritage estates, Zeuner has made quite a name for themselves.

Clients not only turn to us to install new systems, but also to extend the lifecycle of their existing ones. There are many older generation heat pumps that are deemed by some as no longer fit for purpose, but our team is expert at assessing their integrity and finding ways of extending their usefulness by integrating the latest technologies. In so doing, we can support the circular economy at the same time as helping our clients benefit from effective and efficient systems that can stand the test of time.

We take our role as leaders in the fight against climate change very seriously. Zeuner is committed to not only changing how other businesses consumes energy, but also working as an ethical and responsible partner with a holistic approach to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) obligations to further reduce the consumption of our own. This incorporates everything from measuring our carbon consumption and collaborating with our supply chain to reduce environmental impact, to investing in wet woodland and water meadow projects. To date 23,959 trees have been planted in this scheme, totalling 5,990,000kg/CO2 being removed. The equivalent to removing more than 1300 cars from our roads for a year.

Fit for the future

Who knows what the next 10 years hold in store for Zeuner, but we are as excited as ever to be working in the sustainable energy sector. The government has committed to making the UK one of the largest markets in Europe for heat pumps to boost our energy security and help meet our 2050 Net Zero target. The United Kingdom aims to increase the number of heat pump installations from 55,000 per year to 600,000 per year by 2028, and Zeuner is well placed to help businesses large and small embrace the sustainable energy revolution.

Get in touch today to learn more about what Zeuner can do for your business, Call 0800 193 8637 or email support@zeuner.co.uk

Zeuner 10 year anniversary – A decade of sustainable energy solutions

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