Climate Pledge

We will always strive to be leaders in the fight against climate change and put the planet before our profits.

At Zeuner, we take our role as leaders in the fight against climate change very seriously. We are committed to not only changing how the world consumes energy but working ethically as an organisation to be part of creating true carbon neutrality for ourselves and our clients.

We are dedicated to driving efficiency through innovation and strive to reduce energy consumption and the associated carbon footprints for all our clients through best engineering practices.

We want to work alongside others to achieve our climate goals. We make no comparison to other businesses. This is not a competition. We simply use our business power to work with others to make a difference. By working with us, you are doing the same.

We are committed to be an operational carbon zero organisation. Within the Zeuner Limited internal framework we review our suppliers, our manufacturers, and even the mileage we cover to and from our client project sites. Using these metrics, we calculate our carbon consumed and directly fund UK projects to reach an operational carbon zero.

Our current investments into a better world

Our current UK investment project is a beautiful, wet woodland and water meadow being developed on an unused farm area. The habitat is perfect for amphibians and rare insect species and will help to control flooding. This wet woodland is a transient and uncommon habitat supporting a high diversity of rare insects, declining bird species such as willow tits, and even otters. To create the forest, the Miyawaki Method is being adopted. This is one of the most effective tree planting approaches for degraded land. The method involves planting native trees at high densities so that they become a ‘tiny forest’, and the trees have been shown to grow much faster, jump-starting forest creation. Higher biodiversity has also been recorded in Miyawaki forests than in neighbouring woodland, so it’s an ideal way to create diverse forest ecosystems quickly. Miyawaki forests also absorb carbon at a faster rate than in standard approaches to tree planting as they grow more quickly and there are thirty times as many. Due to the high density, trees don’t get as large as those in other types of forests, but we think it’s worth it to rapidly tackle biodiversity loss in the UK. To date 23,959 trees have been planted in this scheme, totalling 5,990,000kg/CO2 being removed. The equivalent to removing more than 1300 cars from our roads for a year.

We will always be transparent with our progress against our goals and how we can work together to drive change.

As part of our project proposal, we will explain to you what additional contribution you and your business will be making to our beautiful island, and more importantly world!